Volume 12, Issue 2 2020
Editorial raises the issue of health implications of the COVID19 virus to marine animals. Detailed content to come.
Volume 12, Issue 1 June/July 2020
Editorial overviews impact of COVID pandemic on world’s oceans. Articles cover a unique sighting documenting injury to wild young dolphin melon sighted in the Mississippi Sound, USA. Another presents an innovative approach for combining marking of phocid seals with biopsy sampling using a new type of livestock ear tag.
Volume 11, Issue 2 December 2019
Editorial discusses what constitutes a publishable paper. Articles include a photographic documentation on dolphin skin disorders in Canary Islands. Another provides a detailed report of a mass herring fish kill event in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Volume 11, Issue 1 June/July 2019
Editorial stimulates thought on humans and climate change. Articles cover a critical population study of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the east coast of the USA, that are federally protected. Another paper discusses foraging behavior in wild West Indian manatees from a region in Mexico. Both articles touch on important elements for effective conservation strategies.
Volume 10, Issue 2 December 2018
Editorial discussed awareness of predatory journals in marine mammalogy. Key articles include one that challenges us to think about what we do to our environment, one reports on what has happened to lead levels in St Lawrence beluga and one that shares information on a new emerging skin disease found in Risso’s dolphin calves near Chile.
Volume 10, Issue 1 April/May 2018
Editorial shares thought on value of comic books in expanding appreciation of world’s oceans to young folk. Articles cover unusual locations of sights of marine mammals including a report of a hooded seal in in Nova Scotia shipyard. Another article focuses on a first report of more northerly sightings of humpback whales due to reductions in arctic sea ice.
Volume 9, Issue 1 December 2017
Editorial muses on prolonged article publishing time. Articles include one that discusses the continued dumping of raw sewage into rivers and oceans. Another focuses on an unusual sighting of foraging humpback whales in areas not seen before in eastern Canada. Then an article describes sea turtles in Ecuador that are threatened by diverse anthropogenic stressors in the Guayaquil Gulf, which is the largest estuary along the Pacific coast of South America and commercial trade route in Ecuador.
Volume 8, Issue 1 June/July 2015
The vaquita (Phocoena sinus) is a small and very elusive porpoise that ranges in a limited geographical area in the Gulf of California, Mexico.